About Michelle

I'm a mid-twenties, kitty loving, born and bred Florida gal. I was raised in Pensacola, Fl  (aka lower Alabama) but the Tampa Bay area has been home to me for the past few years now and I LOVE it here! I have the most supportive parents in the world who taught me about the love and grace of Jesus and the hottest twin sister who just made me a first time Aunt!

I am a first time homeowner to a cute little bungalow and mommy to a cute little black kitty cat. I'm blessed with a blonde best friend-since-kindergarten ballet, a brunette best friend who's now a married California girl, and the best lookin' red-headed boyfriend a girl could ask for who pretends to love my cooking (and he came with an amazing family!! Two for one!!) 

~my BFF'S
~my ginger boy
~Sonny kitty
~macaroni and cheese (and macaroni and cheese dates)
~chocolate cake
~fall in florida ( aka summer beach weather w/out the humidity!)
~roller coasters
~fair food
~US Weekly Magazine
~good wine w/ friends
~nasty storms (aka good sleepin weather!)
~going out to eat downtown along the water :)
~IKEA trips
~beach days
~the smell of crayons

~pumping gas
~working out (I need to somehow find a way to move this into the I LOVE list...)
~rude people
~when young people call old people "sweetie"
~bad drivers 
~cold weather
~drying my hair (hate it)
~sharks and bugs

In a nutshell: